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What to Order During a Business Lunch

Let’s face it: there’s more to a business lunch than just eating. It’s a chance to network, dazzle clients or coworkers, and have deep conversations while attempting to keep your shirt stain-free! Even if the restaurant may seem informal, your behavior—including what you order—can have a lasting impact.

This blog suggests what to have at a business lunch, including the incredibly useful tip to look over the menu in advance to prevent awkward situations. Additionally, we’ll explain why Kate’s Kitchen is the ideal place to host your next business meal if you’re in Kansas City! 

1. Why Your Meal Choice Matters During a Business Lunch

We’ve all been there—sitting at a business lunch, trying to balance talking and eating while hoping our food doesn’t end up splattered across ourselves. What you order can make a big difference in how smooth the lunch goes. Here’s why:

  • Pacing: Have you ever tried tackling a giant burger in front of clients? It slows you down and makes it hard to stay engaged. Opting for a meal that’s easy to eat can keep the focus on the conversation, not your plate.
  • Professionalism: Believe it or not, what you choose can say something about your business approach. Picking something simple and neat shows you’re thoughtful and not here for a messy food battle.
  • Comfort: You want to feel good during the meeting, not uncomfortably full or sluggish. Heavier meals can leave you in a food coma when you need to be sharp. Stick to something balanced that won’t leave you crashing later.

2. Check the Menu Beforehand

Checking the menu beforehand will make your business lunches go smoothly. It’s like a cheat sheet that helps you plan and avoid any last-minute indecision. 

Here’s why scoping out the menu in advance is a lifesaver:

  • Avoid Decision Paralysis: Instead of spending 10 minutes stressing over what to get while your colleagues watch, you can confidently order something you know you’ll enjoy.
  • Dietary Restrictions: If you have any food allergies or dietary preferences, checking the menu beforehand means you won’t have to make a big deal about them at the table.
  • Save Time: Business lunches are often on a tight schedule, so knowing what you want in advance helps keep the lunch flowing smoothly.

The food at Kate’s Kitchen is fantastic and expansive. Whether you’re craving an omelet or a light salad, you may peruse their online menu and select your favorite before entering. A link to their menu is here.

3. Tips for Choosing the Right Meal

What should you order now that you’ve reviewed the menu and completed your homework? Here are some tips to ensure that the lunch you choose will satisfy both your hunger and the needs of the meeting. 

a. Keep It Light but Satisfying

Choose meals that will fill you full without making you feel heavy so you don’t feel like you’re in a food coma halfway through the meeting. Consider wraps, grilled chicken salads, or a straightforward sandwich. You will not feel ready for a nap but energized and ready to participate.

b. Choose an Easier Option 

Save the finger-licking BBQ ribs for a weekend. You should have something simple to consume at a business lunch without creating a mess. Omelets, wraps, and sandwiches are all excellent options. You can eat these meals with a knife or fork, so you don’t have to worry about spills interrupting the conversation.

c. Watch Your Portions

Large servings might be intimidating (and distracting), particularly if you’re trying to concentrate on the conversation. Consider asking for a half amount or simply taking the remainder home to eat later if you know the establishment offers large plates. When attempting to remain focused during a meeting, moderation is essential. 

d. Avoid Strong-Smelling Foods

Although everyone enjoys garlic fries, avoiding anything strong-smelling during a business lunch is usually advisable. We recommend flavorful foods like salads, roasted vegetables, and grilled meats.

4. Go-To Business Lunch Dishes

While considering these suggestions, let’s examine a few foods that are excellent options for a business lunch. These dishes are filling but won’t make you feel heavy.

a. Salads High in Protein

It’s wise to pair grilled chicken or shrimp with a salad because it’s satisfying yet light, and you won’t have to deal with messy sauces or difficult-to-eat ingredients. 

b. Sandwiches or Wraps

A traditional chicken or turkey sandwich is always a healthy, convenient choice. Another excellent option is wraps, particularly if they’re loaded with vegetables and lean protein. At Kate’s Kitchen, there are good selections of Turkey & Swiss or chicken salad croissants for business lunches.

c. Omelets or Scrambles

An omelet is an excellent option for eating breakfast for lunch. It’s satisfying, simple to eat, and usually served with fruit or toast for a balanced lunch. Try the Build-Your-Own Omelet at Kate’s Kitchen for a tasty and adaptable option.

d. Grilled Chicken or Fish

Grilled fish or chicken is an excellent choice for something more substantial. It’s healthful, lean, and goes great with vegetables or a side salad. Maintaining focus and satisfaction is a win-win situation.

e. Soup and Salad Combos

Combining soup and salad allows us the best of both worlds regarding balance and variety. Try something like chicken noodle soup with a simple salad for an easy meal.

5. Why Kate’s Kitchen Is the Perfect Spot for a Business Lunch

Put Kate’s Kitchen at the top of your list if you’re trying to choose the perfect venue for your upcoming business lunch in Kansas City. Kate’s Kitchen is well-known for its large selection of dishes that are ideal for business meetings, as well as for its substantial handmade meals and welcoming ambiance.

Their menu offers something for everyone, making it simple to select a tasty lunch without being overly filling. Items include salads, sandwiches, omelets, and wraps. The warm, inviting setting lets you concentrate on the talk without feeling hurried or uncomfortable.

Prep Your Business Lunch Like a Pro

A little preparation is necessary to ensure the success of your business lunch. If you look over the menu in advance and select a light, tidy, and satisfying meal, you can maintain focus in the conversation while savoring a good dinner.

Kate’s Kitchen is the ideal place to enjoy lunch and wow your clients or coworkers. Keep us in mind the next time you’re getting ready for a lunch meeting! 

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