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Crafting the Perfect Iced Coffee for Summer Days

Making iced coffee at home has various benefits. From personalization to cost savings, let’s dive into why you should prepare your iced coffee at home. 

Customization is Key

When you make iced coffee at home, you become the master of your drink. You can adjust every aspect, from the coffee-to-milk ratio, including the type of milk used to the level of sweetness. You have the ability to customize to dietary restrictions or preferences, such as using plant-based milk or sugar alternatives.

Save Money in the Long Run

While purchasing an iced coffee at a café might seem convenient, the costs can add up quickly. Brewing at home allows you to save money with each cup. Cost savings really come into play if you’re a daily coffee drinker, which can be substantial over time.

Quality Control

Selecting your coffee beans and ingredients ensures a high-quality drink every time. You can choose organic, fair trade, or single-origin coffee beans to suit your health and taste preferences. Controlling the process makes it easier to avoid the preservatives and additives common in some commercial iced coffees.

Eco-Friendly Choice

Making iced coffee at home is more environmentally friendly. You can reduce waste by avoiding single-use cups, straws, and plastic lids. By using a reusable cup, you’ll enjoy your iced coffee and do your part for the planet.

Fast and Easy Iced Cold Brew 

If you enjoy iced coffee, you’ll appreciate this easy recipe. It’s perfect for summer and a great option if you need something quick in the morning as you’re heading out the door.

This recipe allows you to enjoy a refreshing vanilla cold brew coffee with minimal effort, whether you make it from scratch or use store-bought concentrate.

Vanilla Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

Ingredients you’ll need:

  • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee beans
  • 4 cups cold water
  • Vanilla sweetener or other preferred flavor (optional, e.g., simple syrup, vanilla syrup)
  • Milk or cream (optional)
  • Ice cubes


  1. Prepare the Cold Brew Concentrate:
    – Combine coarsely ground coffee beans and cold water in a large jar or pitcher. If you have a Toddy or similar cold brew maker, use that for easier straining later.
    – Stir well to ensure all coffee grounds are saturated.
    – Cover and let steep in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours, depending on your preferred strength.
  2. Strain the Coffee:
    – After steeping, strain the coffee concentrate through a fine-mesh sieve or coffee filter into a clean jar or pitcher. If using a Toddy, follow the instructions for draining the concentrate. Discard the grounds.
  3. Make your Coffee:
    – Fill a glass with the desired amount of ice cubes.
    – Pour the cold brew concentrate over the ice. Dilute with water or milk for your desired coffee strength. Typically, it ranges between 1 part coffee to 1 part water and 1 part coffee to 4 parts water.
    – Add sweetener if desired and stir well.

Optional Additions:

  • For a creamier texture, add a splash of milk or cream.
  • For a sweeter vanilla flavor, use vanilla syrup instead of vanilla extract.

Sip and enjoy your homemade vanilla Cold Brew coffee!

Further Tips:

  • Adjust Strength: Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio to your preference. For a stronger brew, use more coffee grounds; for a milder one, use less.
  • Store-Bought Option: If you prefer a quicker option, many grocery stores sell pre-made cold brew concentrate. Simply mix it with water or milk, add vanilla extract or syrup, and enjoy.
  • Storage: Store any leftover cold brew concentrate in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Take Your Coffee To the Next Level

Are you interested in something more advanced? If you own or are thinking of buying an espresso machine, here’s your sign to stop going out to get the perfect coffee and start making it at home, where it can taste better. 

This brown sugar shaken espresso is a delightful and refreshing coffee beverage that blends the rich flavors of espresso with the sweetness of brown sugar and the creaminess of milk.

Brown Sugar Shaken Espresso Recipe

Ingredients you’ll need: 

  • 2 shots of espresso (or 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee)
  • 1-2 tablespoons brown sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
  • Ice cubes
  • 1/2 cup milk or milk alternative (e.g., almond milk, oat milk)


  1. Brew the Espresso:
    – Brew 2 shots of espresso using an espresso machine.
  2. Dissolve the Brown Sugar:
    – While the espresso is still hot, stir in the brown sugar until it dissolves completely.
  3. Prepare the Shaker:
    – Fill a cocktail shaker or a large jar with a lid halfway with ice cubes.
  4. Shake the Espresso:
    – Pour the sweetened espresso over the ice in the shaker.
    – Add ground cinnamon for extra flavor.
    – Secure the lid and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds. Shaking the espresso will chill the espresso and create a frothy texture.
  5. Make your Coffee:
    – Fill a glass with ice cubes.
    – Strain the shaken espresso into the glass.
    – Add Milk: Pour the milk or milk alternative over the espresso. Adjust the amount based on your preference for a stronger or creamier drink.

Enjoy your homemade shaken espresso!

Optional Garnish:

For an extra touch, sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon or a bit of brown sugar on top.

Further Tips:

  • Adjust Sweetness: Feel free to adjust the amount of brown sugar to suit your taste. You can start with 1 tablespoon and add more if you prefer a sweeter drink.
  • Milk Alternatives: Experiment with different types of milk or milk alternatives like almond, oat, or soy milk to find your favorite combination. Milk such as ½ and ½ or Heavy Cream will add more creaminess than other milk options. 
  • Extra Flavor: Experiment with combining other flavors, such as vanilla syrup or white chocolate for additional flavor.

Tips for the Perfect Iced Coffee

Now that you have two recipes, here are a few tips to ensure your iced coffee is perfect every time:

The Importance of Strong-Brewed Coffee

  • Use strong brewed coffee: Since the ice will dilute the coffee, it’s best to use a stronger brew to ensure your iced coffee is not too weak.
  • Experiment with brewing methods: French press, cold brew, and espresso all make for a robust base. Find which method you prefer for the strongest flavor.

Experiment with Brewing Methods

Different brewing methods can yield varying strengths and flavors. Here are a few methods that work particularly well for iced coffee:

  • French Press: The French press method allows you to control the brewing time and coffee-to-water ratio, resulting in a robust flavor. For a stronger brew, use a coarse grind and steep the coffee for at least 4 minutes.
  • Cold Brew: Cold brew coffee is naturally less acidic and more mellow. Steeping coarsely ground coffee in cold water for 12-24 hours creates a concentrated brew perfect for iced coffee.
  • Espresso: Using espresso as a base provides a strong, rich flavor, hot or cold. This allows you to create a variety of drinks.  

Chilling and Serving Tips

  • Chill Your Coffee: To prevent your iced coffee from becoming watered down too quickly, chill your freshly brewed coffee in the fridge before pouring it over ice. This step ensures that your coffee stays cold and refreshing for longer.
  • Coffee Ice Cubes: For a clever way to keep your iced coffee strong, freeze leftover coffee in ice cube trays. Use these coffee ice cubes instead of regular ice to cool your drink without diluting it.
  • Chill the Glass: For an extra touch, place your glass in the freezer for a few minutes before serving your iced coffee. This simple step helps keep your drink cold for a longer period.

Flavor Enhancements

  • Use Flavored Syrups: Adding a splash of flavored syrup can enhance your iced coffee experience. Vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, and chocolate syrups are popular choices that add a delightful kick of flavor.
  • Add Natural Sweeteners: If you prefer a more natural taste, consider using natural sweeteners such as honey, agave nectar, or maple syrup. These options not only sweeten your coffee but also add unique flavors.

The Secret Ingredient

  • Add a pinch of salt: This may sound strange, but a pinch of salt can enhance the flavors in your iced coffee.
  • Don’t overdo it: A little goes a long way. Just a slight pinch can make a noticeable difference without making your coffee salty.

Never Forget the Ice

  • Quality Ice: Ice is an essential component of iced coffee. Ensure you have enough ice to keep your drink cold and refreshing. Using filtered water for your ice cubes can help avoid any unpleasant tastes or odors that might come from tap water.
  • Ice Quantity: Fill your glass with plenty of ice to maintain the chill. If you use coffee ice cubes, you can be more generous with the quantity without worrying about diluting the flavor.

Other Variations to Try

While these recipes are sure to satisfy your iced coffee cravings, feel free to mix things up and experiment with different ingredients. Here are a few variations you can try:

Alternative Milk Options

For those who are lactose intolerant or prefer a dairy-free option, replace regular milk with almond milk, oat milk, or soy milk. Each type of milk alternative brings a unique flavor and texture to your iced coffee.

    • Almond Milk: Adds a nutty flavor and is a popular choice for iced coffee.
    • Oat Milk: Creamy and slightly sweet, oat milk blends well with coffee.
    • Coconut Milk: Provides a tropical twist and a rich, creamy texture.Caffeine Boosters
    • Cashew Milk: Creamy with no undertone flavor. 

If you need an extra boost of caffeine, consider adding a shot of espresso to your iced coffee. Mix in some matcha powder for a unique flavor and an antioxidant boost. This combination creates a fusion of coffee and green tea flavors.

Protein Powder Flavors

Add protein powder to enhance the nutritional value of your iced coffee. To change the taste, experiment with different flavors like vanilla, chocolate, or caramel. If you prefer the coffee taste to be more prominent, use unflavored protein powder.

Dessert-Inspired Toppings

  • Whipped Cream: Top your iced coffee with a generous dollop of whipped cream for a creamy, dessert-like treat.
  • Chocolate Chips: Sprinkle chocolate chips on top for added texture and sweetness.
  • Caramel Drizzle: Drizzle caramel sauce over the whipped cream for a sweet, coffee shop-inspired look.

Now It’s Your Turn

With these easy and delicious recipes, you can now make the perfect iced coffee at home. Whether you prefer cold brew or espresso, these recipes have got you covered. So, the next time you’re craving a refreshing drink, skip the coffee shop and try one of these homemade iced coffee recipes. Your taste buds (and wallet) will thank you.

Don’t feel like making your own coffee? Come to Kate’s Kitchen in the Northland or Ronnie’s Restaurant in Lenexa for a nutritious breakfast and your caffeine fix! 

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